Poor dental health can affect your pet’s general wellness.
Schedule an appointment
at Center Grove Animal Clinic and have their teeth checked at least once per year to detect early signs of periodontal disease.
Periodontal disease starts with harden tartar also known as plaque. Tartar and plaque below the gum line deteriorate enamel, gum tissue, and underlying bone.
Brushing several times a week can keep periodontal disease at bay. We are here to go the extra step with the overall exam with x-rays and dental cleaning under anesthesia that includes scaling that will remove plaque and tartar.
Stages of Periodontal Disease
- Stage 1:
Visible tartar build up. Slight swelling and redness of the gums.
- Stage 2:
Gum swelling continues. Mild bone loss around the tooth roots which is only visible on x-rays.
- Stage 3:
More severe bone loss on x-rays.
- Stage 4: Severe tartar accumulation, receded gum lines, tooth damage and decay and bone loss.
How Prevent Periodontal Disease?
Brush your pet’s teeth regularly. It’s the most effective action you can take to keep teeth healthy. Talk to your veterinarian about the best dental products, treats, diet, and home brushing activities to benefit your dog or cat.